Prices below are subject to change. Discounts are available for non-commercial academic use. Initial purchases include software maintenance, consisting of upgrades and technical support, for a period of one year from date of purchase. After one year software maintenance is renewable annually at your discretion.
SCFusion Model Class Single-Seat License
Prices (USD) | Perpetual Software License | One year maintenance |
executable GUI |
9900 | 1980 |
DLL addition |
2475 | 495 |
Multi-Seat License
Prices for multi-seat licenses are based on multipliers relative to a single-seat license, according to the following table. The multiplier for a number of seats N not in the table is N^0.50.
Seats | Price multiplier |
2 | 1.41 |
4 | 2.00 |
8 | 2.83 |
16 | 4.00 |